,"aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": 5, "reviewCount": 9 }

Organic Amla Powder

Amla literally means 'sour' — is also known as Amalaka meaning 'mother' or 'nurse' — it is the rejuvenator, sustainer and ultimate healer. Known traditionally to aid digestion, rejuvenate, reduce inflammation and strengthen the heart. Research has also found that the various bioactive compounds in Amla are able to help support health in a number of ways, the anti-oxidants playing an important role in protecting the body, while other compounds support toxin removal.

Our extraordinary fruit, boosting the immune system and helping us see.

100g / approx. 200 serves / $0.07 per serve

  • Adaptogen; helping the body adapt to stress, allowing for an increased tolerance to mental exhaustion, enhancing attention and mental endurance.

    Amla or Amalaka, also known as Indian gooseberry, the rejuvenator and the sustainer, is a tree that is famous for its nutrient rich fruits and historic significance within Hinduism. And so it is only natural that it features extensively within the 5000 year old ancient Indian medicinal practice of Ayurveda. It’s a source of Vitamin C, iron and calcium contribute to its widely acclaimed efficacy.
    Within Ayurveda it has traditionally been used as a potent Rasayana (Adaptogen) for those classified as having the Pitta dosha. Although Amla has the ability to impact all 3 doshas (Pitta, Kapha, Vata).
    While the benefits of the fruit are more widely known, in reality, all parts of the tree (the roots, bark, leaves, seeds, and fruit) have their own advantages. It is said to be one of the most important rejuvenators in Ayurveda Medicine, used frequently to treat blood, bones, liver and heart conditions. It is also said to increase the Ojas, which is one of the 3 vital essences that together promote vitality, clarity and complete health (the other 2 being Prana and Tejas).
    Research is supporting traditional uses, finding that Amla contains high levels of anti-oxidants which can help prevent liver toxicity and inflammation, as well as help the prevention of cognitive decline. Plus it can also help balance cholesterol.
    The Grove Organic Amla is a naturally pure (whole fruit) powder that can be used topically or through consumption in foods, teas and tonics. The taste of Amla, really is 5 of the 6 tastes of Ayurveda, as it is; sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent.

    More research can be found under the Science tab.

    Functions / systems Within the body this product helps to balance

    Feelings we notice By supporting the 'functions'


    Nutritional Panel

    Serving Size: 1-5g per Serve
    Ingredients: Organic Amla (Emblica officinalis)

    Per Serve (5g) Per 100g
    Energy (kJ) 51.18kJ 1023.62kJ 
    Calories (kcal) 12.04kcal 240.85kcal
    Protien 0.13g 2.56g
    Total Carbohydrates 2.85g 57.0g
    - Sugars 0.15g 3.00g
    - Fibre 1.14g 22.70g
    Total Fat less than 1g less than 1g
    - Saturated less than 1g less than 1g
    Sodium 0.80mg 80.00mg
    Vitamin C 0.80mg 80.00mg
    Iron 0.02mg 2.10mg
    Potassium 8.92mg 891.90mg
    Calcium 1.46mg 145.80mg

    Active Ingredients

    Fruits: quercetin, phyllaemblic compounds, gallic acid, tannins, flavonoids (anti-oxidants), pectin, and vitamin C, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins, and also contains various other polyphenolic compounds.
    Seeds: fatty acids: linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic and myristic, polyphenols (anti-oxidants) such as; flavonoids, kaempferol, ellagic acid and gallic acid.


    As Amla can act as a laxative it should be avoided when suffering from diarrhea. It is also recommended to avoid Amla if the body has high toxicity (Ama) or if you suffer from an iron deficiency. If you have concerns we recommend consulting your health care practitioner.

  • As with many things internet based, a lot of information is copied and pasted, has a dash of creative license, a sprinkling of Chinese whispers and boom you have a new superfood or a superherb. When we select our products we look for the most effective and the very best quality. So we research, then research some more, and provide all of that research here, so that you can make up your own mind.


An extract of Amla has been shown to be anti-inflammatory when taken daily. (2, 20)


    Studies have found that the anti-oxidant capacity of Amla may have potential effects in many areas of health, from liver protection and cellular protection when ingested, to effective topical uses to protect the skin. (17, 18, 20)


Studies suggest that Amla powder has the ability to enhance memory, specifically when the brain is exposed to fluoride toxicity. (14)
    Research has also found that Amla may be neuroprotective by helping to reduce oxidation and cognitive decline. (15)

    Liver Health

Inflammation and tissue damage which prevent the liver from functioning optimally are the characteristics of liver disease. Alma has been shown by research to have the capacity to prevent toxicity caused by things such as; ethanol, paracetamol, heavy metals, drugs and liver toxicity caused by too much iron. These effects have been linked to the free radical scavenging compounds present in Amla. (4, 20)
    When supplemented daily Amla has also been suggested to help decrease liver and DNA damage. 7 Studies suggest tat this may be due to the high levels of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds within Amla. (8)


Research suggests that after adding just 3g of Amla fruit powder to your daily routine, it has the potential to reduce cholesterol levels in both participants with diabetes and without diabetes. (5) Research has also shown that Amla may increase lipid metabolism and in turn has the potential to reduce cholesterol in the liver. (6)

    SKIN health

When applied topically, it has been suggested that Amla may improve collagen production and reduce oxidation, suggesting that it might be effective as an anti-aging product. (9)
    Amla has also been shown to prevent transdermal water loss when applied topically, by rehydrating the skin and providing anti-oxidants which reduces the signs of ageing and UVB damage. (10, 11, 12)

    Immune Support

    Research has shown that Amla can be taken as a prophylactic, having the capacity to reduce the effects of heavy metals and carcinogens. And has also been suggested to aid the reduction in tumour size and also help initiate cancer cell death. (1, 19)

    Digestion (laxative)

    Amla has been found to be an effective diuretic and laxative. (20)

    Hair Health

    When dried and added to shampoo and hair oils, Amla has been shown to help support the health and hygiene of hair, as well as its strength and growth. (20)

    BLOOD Sugar & Cholesterol

    Research suggests that Amla has the ability to lower cholesterol and be anti-hyperglycaemic in both diabetics with high cholesterol and non-diabetics. (5)


    The Amla is organically and sustainably grown in India using 100% renewable energy. The fruits are harvested and dried in the shade before being inspected, sorted and then sent for processing. 


    The fruits are then de-seeded and broken down into smaller pieces to enable them to be dehydrated at temperatures below 40C to remove moisture residue. The dehydrated fruits are then cleaned, graded and go through QC checks before being micronised and ground into powder. Once ground to powder it is bulk packaged for transport.


    The product is then put on a ship and sails to Australia and arrives at The Grove HQ approximately 4 weeks later.


    Once it arrives at The Grove HQ we carry out quality control (QC) checks and repackage it ready for you.


    The Life of Amla

Amla is the fruit of Phyllanthus Emblica Linn (Emblica Officianlis), a deciduous medium-sized tree, found mainly in the sub-tropical mountainous regions of South and Southeast Asia, including; India, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
    The tree and grows to between 1 to 18 meters in height, with thin grey bark and branches. It has many light green, pinnate shaped leaves, which grow close together along the branches and its flowers are greenish yellow.
    The smooth and hard fruit are nearly spherical and also a light green/yellow colour with six vertical stripes or furrows. Amla fruit can grow in a variety of colours. When ripe some can be neon-green, others can be a more golden yellow colour, they can even be a dusky pink, rust red or white.
    Amla season in India begins in October and continues through until April, and can now be found easily in many states of India through people having migrated with the trees. The natural locations of Amla are; Nagpur, Karnataka, Bihar and Odisha. China, Malaysia, and India are the worlds main producers of the fruit.
    The fruits ripen in Autumn and are hand picked, choosing the slightly firmer fruits, that are not bruised and do not have any imperfections - ideally, they are round, taut and full.
  • traditional uses

    Promotes Energy
    Heart Tonic
    Aids Digestion
    Hair Tonic
    Mind Tonic
    Benefits the eyes
    Purifies the Blood
    Supports the Kidneys
    Blood Sugar

    Throughout History

    Originating in India, Amla, also known as Amalaki, Indian Gooseberry or by researchers as Emblica officinalis, has been mentioned in Sanskrit texts, folklore and scriptures throughout history.
    The Avvaiyar, a group of famous female Tamil poets, were given the Amla fruit (to promote longevity) by the Prince Adhiyaman who had received them as a gift.
    Sushruta, considered as the “Father of Indian Medicine”, or by science as the “Father of Plastic Surgery”, lived in India around 1000 and 800 BC, and was famed at the time for his nasal reconstructions, and is thought to have written above Amlas health benefits in detail.
    It features heavily throughout the 5000 year old Indian medical system of Ayurveda as a Rasayana — ‘rasayana’ meaning; ‘path’ (āyana) of ‘essence' (rasa), which means something to promote health and longevity / holistic well-being. It is also said to enliven the body (jivaniya), and enhance intellect (medhya).
    According to the textbook “The Yoga of herbs,” Amla acts as a; nutritive tonic, rejuvinative, astringent, refrigerant, digestive, aphrodisiac, laxative, and homostatic. Providing treatments for things like; for vertigo, constipation, weakness of the liver or spleen, hair loss, osteoporosis, collitis, gout, anemia, diabetes, bleeding disorders and haemorrhoids, plus acute diarrhea and dysentery.
    Within Ayurveda Amla balances the 3 doshas (Pitta, Kapha and Vata) and contains 5 of the 6 tastes recognised in Ayurveda (sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent, lacking only salty). It is said to be particularly effective at reducing/balancing Pitta because it is cool (and Pitta is hot or fiery), but it is also balances Pitta and Vata because it has a sweet taste and kapha because it is drying.
    Because Ayurveda found Amla to be potent, and their principle of “prevention is cure”, Amla was incorporated in to many traditional supplementary tonics, such as “Triphala” and “Chayavanprash”, promoting health and longevity.
    In traditional Ayurveda Medicine, the whole fruit is used free or dried, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark and flowers).
    It is also used extensively in Iran, Iraq, Thailand, China, Italy, Germany as a laxative, diuretic, astringent and anti-nauseant. It is also used to treat anemia, jaundice, tumors and much more.

    Hindu Beliefs:
    Devout Hindus are said to eat an Amla as a way to break a fast.
    During Akshay Navami (the 9th day of the holiest month of Kartik) if you have one foot under the Amla tree it will lead to happiness and prosperity.
    The Amla tree is considered sacred, as it is said to be the first tree that on earth and the God Vishnu is said to dwell within the tree.
    In temple architecture, a stone disk called an Amalaka which sits at the to of the main tower, is said to have been inspired by the Amla Tree.

    Buddhist Beliefs:
    The Amla tree is said to help achieve enlightenment by Phussa Buddha.
  • Getting in the Kitchen

    Mix with juice, yoghurt or add it to your smoothie. Some add it to honey and then to tea, or to make lozenges / sweets / raw food treats / baked goods etc. We love to add our Amla Powder in milk or ghee, we also add it to sauces and make preserves.

    In India, it is common to eat raw Amla fruits mixed with salt water and red chilli powder to make the sour fruits palatable, although the powder is not as strong and much more palatable.

    Flavours that compliment Amla:
    Lemon, lime, orange, pomelo, star gooseberry, coconut, avocado, bael, wood apple, elephant apple, grape, kiwi, kumquat, garcinia cambogia, kiwi, kokum, pomelo, ambarella, chili oil, turmeric, cumin, ginger, garlic, garam masala, honey, sugar, salt, cardamom and saffron.

    Recipes in the Blog

    Add to any Fruit Smoothie

    Add to Muffin Recipes

    Add to any Vegetable Smoothie


    We have packaged your product in cost effective black bags, which protect the products from damaging UV rays which degrade your product. We have also inserted a silica-based desiccant pack to absorb any unwanted moisture and keep your products safer and help them last longer.
    To ensure your product status fresh we recommend storing it in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight, this will also ensure that it is not exposed to additional heat and moisture.


    As Amla can act as a laxative it should be avoided when suffering from diarrhea. It is also recommended to avoid Amla if the body has high toxicity (Ama) or if you suffer from an iron deficiency. If you have concerns we recommend consulting your health care practitioner.



The Grove's products and philosophies are very much aligned with the practices of Ayurveda, who's principles have roots embedded in 1000's of years of tradition. Ayurveda looks to treat the person, ensuring that all aspects of the physical, spiritual and environmental are considered when seeking Optimum Health for an individual. These Ancient methods integrate Ayurveda (nutrition), Yoga (physical) and Tantra (spiritual) to create a balanced peaceful life.


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    kimon s.
    Australia Australia

    Through a friend

    Kimon S.
    Australia Australia

    Through a friend

    Hailey M.
    Great for my gut health

    When i contacted the Grove asking about the best product for digestion they didn’t try to sell me something, they suggested I speak to an affiliate about the best solution for me. So I did, then I was recommend to purchase the Amla. Not only have I been using it for digestion but also for my skin and hair. It really is the real deal. Thanks for all your advice and helping me cut through the mud and find what’s best for me.

    Linda M.
    Thanx great products.

    I bought the Camu Camu and Amla am feeling like it is helping me get the vitamin c my bodies needs. This combo is making me feel great. Thanks

    Shani B.
    The product is delicious and of the highest quality.

    With a nice handwritten card as well. Thank you so much!

    Gemma S.
    Great product for skin and hair

    I use it on my face as a mask (to help collagen production) and in my shampoo (recommenced by The Grove, to help the health of the hair). So good. My hair is softer and shinier. Great products. And they DEF work.

    Rodger M.
    So Easy to deal with

    This is my 6th order with the Grove. They never disappoint. Great products. Great quality. All organic. And great service.

    Kaitlin B.

    Thats all. Just YUM. So delicious and so good for you. Great Ayurveda Product and Quality.

    Delicious and high quality!!

    The product is delicious and of the highest quality, and with a nice handwritten card as well. Thank you so much!