Cacao (Immunomodulation)
Strengthening, balancing, supporting and regulating the immune system, optimising immune response (great for winter).
Cacao (Magnesium)
An essential mineral, absorbed in the gut and is important for energy, muscle health and bone health.
Cacao (Anandamide)
Is a fatty acid neurotransmitter. The name is taken from the Sanskrit word 'ananda', which means "joy, bliss, delight".
Cacao (Theobromine)
Similar to caffeine, it is a vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, diuretic and can act as a stimulant. Studies suggest it aids the absorption of the polyphenols in Cacao.
Maple Syrup
When all other sweeteners are highly processed, we opt for either Honey (from the hive) or Maple Syrup (from the tree). If something has to be significantly processed to become something else before we consume it, then surely logic dictates that its probably not that good for you... and may be causing other health issues that your not aware of.
Eggs are usually used as a bench mark for the nutritional bio-marking of food, that is to say that they are the ultimate form of nutrition as they contain the perfect amount of the macros nutrients; Carbs, Proteins and Fats - both good and bad fats, after all our bodies need them both in the right ratios. Eggs have been researched and linked to; helping balance cholesterol, eye health, muscle development, blood pressure, weight management and type 2 diabetes. In addition to the macro nutrients, Eggs contain all the good vitamins and minerals too, including; vitamin D, A, B2, B6, B12, and minerals folate, Iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
Omega 3's & 6's (Eggs and Chia)
Omega 6's are inflammatory, but great for skin, hair, bones, metabolism etc. Omega 3's are anti-inflammatory and are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body (helping with . Omega 6's (in simple terms) are bullies to the Omega 3's, when consumed they both compete for the same enzyme to convert to things the body can use, the Omega 6's usually win this race, hence the requirement for more Omega 3's - power in numbers. They are both essential as the body can't make them. In Chia, there are almost 3 times as many Omega 3's to 6's, which means you get the best of both worlds).